Haida Gwaii
- Haida Health Center Ph: 250-626-3911 Youth Program, Pregnancy Outreach, HIV/AIDS, Diabetes, Home and Community Care, Mental Health and Addictons, Adult Day Program, Community Health, Patient Travel, Dentistry.
- Mental Health and Addictions Program 302-2nd Ave Box 54 Queen Charlotte, B.C. V0T 1S0 Office Phone: 250-559-8765 or Masset 250-626-6051
- Haida Health Hub – Call Patricia at 250-626-7511
- Skidegate Health Center Ph: 250-559-4610 Local community health organization.
- Old Masset Dental Clinic Ph: 250-626-3821
- Northern Haida Gwaii Medical Clinic Ph: 250-626-4702
- Masset Pharmasave Ph: 250-626-4701
- Nurse Practioner Ph: 250-626-4702
- Port Clements Medical Center Ph: 250-557-4478
- North End Public Health Nurse Ph: 250-626-4728
- BC Cancer Agency -toll free Ph: 1-800-663-3333
- Options for Sexual Health Ph: 1-800-739-7367
- Alcohol and Drug Information and Referral Line (24 hours) Ph: 1-800-663-1441
South End
- Skidegate Health Center Ph: 250-559-4610
- Skidegate Dental Center Ph: 250-559-7799
- Queen Charlotte Hospital Ph: 250-559-4300
- Mental Health and Addictions Services Ph: 250-559-8765
- Queen Charlotte Medical Clinic Ph: 250-559-4447
- Queen Charlotte Dental Clinic Ph: 250-559-8384
- Queen Charlotte Pharmacy Ph: 250-559-4310
Community Resources
- Transition House
- Skidegate Safe House Ph: 250-559-4495 Temporary 30 day shelter for women fleeing from violence. Will provide transportation to the Masset Transition House if desired.
- Haida Gwaii Legal Project Society
- Haida Gwaii Recreation
- Skidegate Social Development Ph: 250-559-2317 Social Assistance and referrals to appropriate programs.
- Islands Wellness Society Ph: 250-559-4743 Several valuable programs including Child Care Resource and Referral Program and Feed the People Foodbank
- Help Line for Children (24 hours) Ph: 310-1234
- Children Who Witness Abuse Program Ph: 250-626-6057 Child and Youth Counseling
- Haida Child and Family Services Skidegate Ph: 250-559-8400 Masset: 250 626 6051 Family Outreach, all communities
- Grandparents Raising Grandchildren Support Line Ph: 1-855-474-9777
- Foster Parents Support Line Ph: 1-888-495-4440
- Supported Child Development Program Ph: 250-626-4717
- HG Society for Community Peace Ph: toll free 1-877-250-626-4677
- Victim Assistance Program Ph: 250-626-6049
- BC Housing: subsidized housing info Ph: 1-800-257-7756
- Queen Charlotte Housing Development 306 2nd Ave, Queen Charlotte, BC V0T 1S0 | 250-559-8800
Central Coast
- Central Coast Regional Hospital District (CCRHD)
- R.W. Large Memorial Hospital – Bella Bella
- Bella Coola General Hospital
Community Resources