Video: MLA Rice introduces members from Inclusion BC

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J.Rice: “I have five guests in the gallery this afternoon. Michael Smith is originally from the east coast and has recently moved to Prince Rupert from Terrace, B.C., to expand his business as an insurance adjuster. With the frequent adverse weather we experience in Prince Rupert, I am sure that we have enough flying shingles and leaky roofs to see his business prosper, and I wish him well.

I’d like to introduce Faith Bodnar and Danielle Kelliher from Inclusion B.C. Inclusion B.C. held a conference today in Victoria, announcing a plan for regional advocate positions to help families supporting those with developmental disabilities and special needs.

I’d also like to introduce Kim Heddon from Nelson, a mother of an adult child with developmental disabilities. Kim spoke passionately today and reminded us that without respite and supports in place for families such as hers, things, the basics that we take for granted in this House, such as a night out, a date with our spouse or even caring for our own health, are not an option when you provide 24-7 care for another person.

Cyndie Richdale is here from the Victoria area, who also shared her experience and challenges with accessing services

Lastly, I’d like to introduce Michelle Watson. Michelle is the sister of Angie Robinson and the aunt of Robbie Robinson, who were lost to a tragic murder-suicide on World Autism Day, in Prince Rupert. Michelle is very grateful that a coroner’s inquest was recently conducted, but she eagerly awaits measurable, tangible results from the recommendations coming from the inquest. Michelle is a smart woman of great strength, and I commend her for taking a public stand on such a deeply personal affair in order to better the lives of other families facing similar difficulties. I thank her for that.

Would the House make my guests feel welcome.”

To learn more about Inclusion BC, head to their website here: