Minister Heyman and Weaver receive top sustainability award

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Two B.C. leaders have received top honours for their work on building the Province’s CleanBC plan to fight climate change and put B.C. on the path to a cleaner, better future.

George Heyman, B.C.’s Minister of Environment and Climate Change Strategy, and Andrew Weaver, leader of the BC Green Party, were honoured at the Clean50 awards in Toronto for their contributions over the past two years to advance sustainability through a credible climate and economic plan.

“British Columbians expect leaders across sectors to take action on climate change and be accountable for the results. We have responded with our CleanBC plan,” Heyman said. “The collaboration with Dr. Weaver, his team and my colleagues across government has resulted in a comprehensive plan with clear targets to reduce emissions while building a strong economy with healthier communities and creating new opportunities for people.”

Heyman and Weaver were also recognized as part of the Clean16 awards presented to the top Clean50 recipients in categories that include clean tech, renewable energy, manufacturing and transportation, and sustainable finance, among others.

“Over the last two years, my team and I have been working with Minister Heyman to design CleanBC, our economic plan to build a thriving, climate-resilient society. It has been the hallmark of our minority government and will continue to be my top priority as we ensure it is fully implemented to reach our 2030 targets,” Weaver said. “CleanBC is an important starting point and our ambitions must continue to rise. It is time we reimagined the climate crisis not solely as an environmental problem, but an incredible opportunity for innovation and the advancement of our society.”

The Clean50 awards are presented every year by Delta Management Group, an executive search firm for professionals working in the environmental sector.

“British Columbians want to see action on protecting our clean land, air and water as we grow an economy that will make life better for people today and into the future,” said Premier John Horgan. “I want to congratulate Minister Heyman and Dr. Weaver for their work on CleanBC that puts B.C. on a better path to a more affordable, safe and sustainable future.”

CleanBC is a pathway to a more affordable, safe and sustainable future. CleanBC was developed in collaboration with the BC Green Party caucus and supports the commitment in the Confidence and Supply Agreement to implement climate action to meet B.C.’s emission targets.


To learn more about CleanBC, visit:

To learn more about Clean50, visit: