Our Community

The North Coast Constituency consists of the communities of Prince Rupert, Port Edward, Metlakatla, Lax Kw’alaams, Hartley Bay (Gitga’at), Gitxaala (Kitkatla), and Oona river. Also within North Coast is Haida Gwaii, including the village of Daajing Giids (previous Queen Charlotte), Skidegate, Masset, Old Masset, Sandspit, Tlell, and Port Clements. The Communities of the Bella Coola valley include Bella Coola, Nuxalk First Nation, Hagensborg, and Firvale. Central Coast communities in North coast include Bella Bella, Klemtu (Kitasoo/Xai’Xais First Nation) , and Wuikinuxv (Oweekeno)/River’s Inlet,

The district was created by legislation in 1990 that brought it into existence for the B.C. election of 1991. The population of our district is 27,992 (BC stats profile).


Map of the North Coast Electoral District


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